
English language challenges

 Hi everyone!!! Welcome to my last blog of this semester. My experience writing blogs has been very good, which is something I had never done. Blogging has helped me improve my writing in English, also, it has made me remember very beautiful moments in my life, and being able to know the stories of my classmates is still fun. About my experience learning English at university, I feel that it has helped me to have more confidence in what I know and not be afraid of being wrong, but something that I think I have to improve is speaking and having a fluent conversation in English. To improve this, I need to practice more with my classmates and, if I have the opportunity with people who speak English as their native language. Something I do and I feels that is good to learn English is to watch videos, series, and movies in English and, at the same time with subtitles in English, this trains your hearing and your vocabulary with the words. I recommend that these videos are of your total inte

A photograph I like

 Hi everyone!!! Today the topic of this blog is "A photograph I like". I've been looking at my photos and, I think I have several options, such as photos with my family, my dog, my friends, or on vacation, but finally, I decided on a photo that I think is my favorite at the time, because it reminds me of one of the most wonderful moments that I have lived. As some of you know, I am a big fan of the world of Harry Potter and, as I mentioned in a past blog, in 2018 I went on an exchange to England where I had the opportunity to meet King's Cross, the station where Hogwarts students take the train that takes them to school. In this photo, I am "entering" platform 9 3/4 to take the train, I remember I was very excited because it was my turn and I think my face says it all, I was very happy and the photo came out very well.  But it was not just a photo, because our guide took a photo with me where we recreated in a more humorous way a scene from the sixth book/mo

My Future Job

 Hi Everyone!! Today I´m going to tell you about my future job. Job, it is something that all make us think about since we are children, and there are always expectations of the rest about you and your future job, especially for the money you are going to earn, but I like to think that, more than the money or the "importance" they give to our work, we need to think about what we like for our future, and what are my abilities and talents.  In my case, some people didn´t want me to study architecture, but I was always firm in my decision, I´m in my second year now, and until now I have not regretted it. If I start to think about my future job, it is difficult for me to decide on a specialty or a specific place at the moment, because I want to do everything.  I like almost all the specialties, and I have no problem if I have to work in an office, freelance, in the field, as a teacher, or whatever, maybe I think this way because I still haven´t discovered what my true skills are

One of my favourite movies

 Hi everyone!!! Today I´m going to talk about one of my favourite movies that I like to watch in my free time. Maybe, the people who know me think I´m going to talk about Harry Potter, but this time I like to show you another classic, a movie that has action, love, drama, magic and an incredible story of overcoming and self-love. Yes, I´m talking about Shrek 2.  The story begins when Shrek and Fiona are already married and have to travel to meet Fiona's parents, the kings of Far Far Away. upon arrival in the kingdom, Shrek has trouble winning the sympathy of his in-laws, this situation makes him think that he doesn´t deserve Fiona´s love if he was an ogre. From now on, the story is developed in search of his change but what was he really needed was self-love and accept that Fiona loves him as he is.  I don't want to tell you much about the story, because I don't want to spoil someone if they have not seen it, but the story continued with a lot of action, love, jokes and rea

My Best Holidays

Hi everybody!!! Today I´m gonna tell you about my best holidays at the time. It was in England in January 2018, specifically in Brighton, which is a city that is 3 hours from London.  I was one month here to learn English, but most of the time I spent getting to know the city. It´s a lovely coastal city, where most of the people I spoke to were nice whit me.  One of my favorite places was the Brighton pier, there were many games and food, and you could see the sunset from the end of the pier, in the middle of the sea, the only problem was the seagulls that stole your food. Another amazing place was the Hove cemetery, there were very old tombs, with sculptures, an old church, and many crows, it was a bit frightening. Now, Brighton, it´s one of my favorite cities, and one of the things I miss the most is the freedom that the people have to express themselves and don´t be afraid to be judged for your type of clothes, your hair, or your likes. I hope to come back someday and keep learning

The Wizarding World of Harry Potter

 Hi everyone!!  Today I am going to talk about one of the places that I dream of going since I was a child. Someday, I would like to go to USA, but a specific place in this country... to Orlando, to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  I´m a big fan of the Harry Potter saga, so one of my life goals is going there.  I would love to go in winter to use my Ron Weasley´s sweater and my Gryffindor scarf, or on September 1st when the class in Hogwarts starts, I feel that the experience is more magical that day.  I dream to go and see the Diagon Alley, Hogsmeade, and Hogwarts buildings in person and feel like I'm inside of the books.  When I was a child I dreamed that I was going to live in the park, but now I would like to go for four days maybe, to know and see as much as possible.   And what about you? What place do you want to visit?